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Hiring Process

Before you submit an employment application, let us explain how the structure of our hiring process works. It is divided in 5 phases.

Note: the complete hiring process could take up to 2 weeks for confirming employment to a valid candidate.
Depending on each background's individual is the time it could take to confirm employment.
Current average time: 2-3 weeks

ALL employment applications MUST be submitted by email, NOT in person.

  • Phase #1: The Employment Application
This is the beginning of a new journey! perhaps a new career. 
In order to consider an employment application, an email has to be sent to TGFC Management Team with all the required documents to start the hiring process
  • Phase #2: In-Person Interview: Part 1 - Introduction
After an extensive review, we want to meet in-person with a qualified applicant to get to know his/her top professional skills
  • Phase #3: In-Person Interview: Part 2 - Job Details
Once you've become a chosen candidate, we'll discuss the job details. Then, we may proceed with an Employment Offer
  • Phase #4: Drug Test
In order to proceed with the hiring process, this 4th phase must be completed by obtaining a "negative" result from the laboratory
Note: Failure to pass this phase will be an automatic disqualification and your employment application will be withdraw.
  • Phase #5: Background Check
Our 5th and last phase needs to verify the applicant's eligibility to work in a professional environment surrounded by firearms and other sensitive components
Note: Failure to pass this phase will be an automatic disqualification and your employment application will be withdraw.

After completing all 5 phases and becoming a valid candidate for a position with an employment offer, you will now be ready for fingerprinting and scheduled for your 1st day at The Gun Freedom Co.

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Open 7 Days

Mon - Sat . 10:00 - 19:00

   Sundays . 11:00 - 17:00

Copyright © 2024. TGFC The Gun Freedom Co.
Federal Trademark USPTO
All Rights Reserved

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